The Sele School


Data Protection and Privacy

At The Sele School we take Data Protection and Privacy very seriously. In May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force in the UK;  building on the Data Protection Act of 1998.

The GDPR require public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit information we already hold and take a ‘data protection by design and default’ approach to personal data. As required by GDPR, we have a Data Protection Officer, Ian Gregory (Governor), to oversee our approach to data management and protection. 

To make it easier for parents, carers, students and other members of the school community to understand the approach that The Sele School takes to Data Protection, Privacy and GDPR, we have grouped all relevant policies and documents here for ease of access. 

Please note that since 1 April 2022 all telephone calls to or from The Sele School are recorded for the purposes of staff training and quality control.

Privacy Notices

Privacy Notice for Sele Students

Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers

Privacy Notice for Governors  

Privacy Notice for Staff   

You may also find it helpful to refer to the relevant Data Protection and Privacy Notice Summary which can be downloaded below:

Privacy Notice Summary for Students 

Privacy Notice Summary for Parents and Carers

Privacy Notice Summary for Governors

Privacy Notice Summary for Staff

Online Safety 

In order to comply with GDPR there are agreements that we have with parents, carers, students, staff and Governors, such as our Online Safety Agreement. The new regulations are clear that consent must be up-to-date and clearly recorded; lack of response cannot be interpreted as implied consent. 

Consequently when consent forms are sent out, please ensure that you return these to us promptly. 

ICT and Internet Acceptable Use Policy   

Acceptable Use Agreement for Parents and Carers

Acceptable Use Agreement for Older Students (Years 10 - 13)

Acceptable Use Agreement for Younger Students (Years 7 - 9)

Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff, Governors, Members, Volunteers and Visitors

Data Protection Policies

Data Protection Policy

Data Retention Policy

Data Security Policy 

To learn more about the General Data Protection Regulation, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website on