All students are expected to follow the school rules. We have three basic requirements that students should meet in each lesson:
1. Work Hard
2. Follow guidance and instructions
3. Be kind
The school Code of Conduct develops these three core values.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is based on respect. Students should:
- Show respect for other members of the community; allowing teachers to teach and other students to learn
- Speak politely and respect other people’s views and opinions
- Follow the instructions of all staff
- Bring all equipment needed for the day (as set out in the planner)
- Listen attentively when the teacher is talking
- Move calmly and sensibly about the school at all times
- Keep the school clean and tidy and look after equipment
- Not bring caffeine drinks or gum to school or eat in areas other than the Dining Room
- Follow rules on uniform including to and from school
- Report fighting, bullying, homophobic behaviour, racist behaviour, sexist behaviour or any other behaviour including that on Social Media which demeans or threatens others
- Not bring materials or substances to school which might harm the health and safety of themselves or others; this includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes and alcohol.
Mobile phones should not be visible or used during the school day. Failure to follow this expectation will lead to the confiscation of the phone.
Our school’s reputation depends on the way students behave out of school, as well as in school. Our expectations of students’ behaviour outside of school are similarly high, reflecting this concern. Breaches of this code of conduct will lead to a range of sanctions. Serious misbehaviour or persistent breaking of the school code of conduct may result in permanent exclusion.
If you fail to meet the required high standards of this school then, as you would expect, there are consequences. You may be detained at the end of the day until 3.45 pm. A longer detention may be imposed after school and your parents will receive 24 hours written notice via the planner or a telephone call explaining the reason why. It is your responsibility to show this to your parents. The Education Act 2006 gave schools the power to detain students on Saturdays or on training days and where there are serious incidents or concerns, students may be required to attend detentions on these days.
In very serious cases you may be suspended from school for a period of time and then invited to return with your parents. As a last resort, it may be that the Governing Body would consider permanent exclusion.